collaborative learning network
The KE4CAP Impact Report: Impacts, learning and ways forward
This report summarizes the impacts of the KE4CAP project, including how it facilitated knowledge sharing, collaborative learning, and the generation of new ideas and thinking, and created a new, diverse network of highly motivated climate adaptation platform team members from around the globe.
Topic 12: Social justice and equity
This page features the key lessons shared by KE4CAP climate adaption platforms on the current practices, innovations and challenges related to social justice and equity.
Topic 11: Governance of CAPs
This page features the key lessons shared by KE4CAP climate adaption platforms (CAPs) on the current practices, innovations and challenges related to the governance of CAPs.
Topic 10: Platform architecture and technical development
This page features the key lessons shared by KE4CAP climate adaption platforms on the current practices, innovations and challenges related to platform architecture and technical development.
Topic 9: Quality assurance, credibility and usability of CAPs
This page features the key lessons shared by KE4CAP CAPs on the current practices, innovations and challenges related to the quality assurance, credibility and usability of CAPs.
Topic 8: Business models and value propositions for financing CAPs
This page features the key lessons shared by KE4CAP CAPs on the current practices, innovations and challenges related to the business models and value propositions for financing CAPs.
Topic 7: Integration and coherence across CAPs
This page features the key lessons shared by KE4CAP climate adaption platforms (CAP) on the current practices, innovations and challenges related to integration and coherence across CAPs.
Topic 6: Retaining relevance of CAPs in a fast-moving world
This page features the key lessons shared by KE4CAP CAPs on the current practices, innovations and challenges related to how to retain the relevance of CAPs in a fast-moving world
Topic 5: Integration of cultural knowledge, capacities and needs into CAPs
This page features the key lessons shared by CAPs on the current practices, innovations and challenges related to the integration of cultural knowledge, capacities and needs into CAPs.
Topic 4: Communications, knowledge brokering and stewardship to stimulate and enable action
This page features the key lessons shared by CAPs on the current practices, innovations and challenges related to communications, knowledge brokering and stewardship to stimulate and enable action.