Digital storytelling
Using digital stories for inclusive climate resilient transport in Zambia
This case study shows how digital storytelling can be used for inclusive climate resilient transport in Zambia.
Using digital stories for inclusive climate resilient transport in Uganda
This case study shows how digital storytelling can be used for inclusive climate resilient transport in Uganda.
Using digital storytelling to share information in the AIR Network project
This digital storytelling case study shows how information about air pollution can be shared.
Digital Storytelling Tool
Compiled information about different digital storytelling methods that can be used within projects to help share experiences.
The MOJO VELO Project: Mobile Journalists on Bicycles
This project aims to challenge negative perceptions of Africa through producing documentary shorts that showcase ordinary people doing extraordinary things for their community and the planet.
Our Valuable Voices: Community Digital Storytelling for Good Programming and Policy Engagement
This publication highlights the experience and lessons learned from a Community Digital Storytelling activity within the Integrated Community-based Adaptation in the Mekong (ICAM) Project.
Our Valuable Voices: Community Digital Storytelling for Good Programming and Policy Engagement
Read about the storytelling project with the Cham fisherwomen and men in Vietnam which was the first time CARE Vietnam had used Community Digital Storytelling.