Downscaled Climate Data
Webinar: Using Climate Data & Models in Forest Management
Learn about the opportunities and challenges associated with forest management and climate change, with a focus on how climate models can be used to visualise and support the development of long-term adaptation and mitigation strategies in forest environments to address climate risks.
The Green Book: Adapting South African settlements to climate change
The Green Book is an online planning support tool that provides quantitative evidence on the likely impacts that climate change and urbanisation will have on South Africa’s cities and towns.
Climate data and projections: supporting evidence-based decision-making in the Caribbean
This report provides an overview of climate data and information available from the CARibbean Weather Impacts Group (CARIWIG) data portal and how they can be used to support decision-making.
Policy-ready projections: making climate models more useful to planners
This ACCC report looks at how climate models and climate model outputs can be made more useful to planners.