climate models
Webinar: Using Climate Data & Models in Forest Management
Learn about the opportunities and challenges associated with forest management and climate change, with a focus on how climate models can be used to visualise and support the development of long-term adaptation and mitigation strategies in forest environments to address climate risks.
Mountain observations: Monitoring, data, and information for science, policy, and society
Explore this easy-to-read overview of the current state of multi-disciplinary mountain observations. Discover the different methods used to observe mountain environments, as well as the diversity of knowledge and data sources available to learn from.
Climate Models: What They Show Us and How They Can Be Used in Planning
Explore this guide from the Future Climate For Africa programme which provides a primer on global climate models (GCMs) and how to use them in planning.
Near-term warming and our chances of staying within 1.5°C of global warming
Depending on how the climate system responds, greenhouse gas emissions could still cause more - or less - warming than the best estimates from the latest climate models.
Framework for needs-informed research: assessing climate processes
This paper presents a framework for needs-informed research aimed at understanding the climate processes driving the African climate system's natural variability and response to global change.
Building capacity for risk management in a changing climate
This Raising Risk Awareness (RRA) project analyses the role of climate change in affecting the hydrological regimes of Kenya, Ethiopia, India and Bangladesh.
Future Climate Projections for Tanzania
This brief provides an overview of future climate change in Tanzania, using results from the latest available climate model simulations based on 34 global climate models (CMIP-5) used by the IPCC.
Future Climate Projections for Malawi
This brief provides an overview of future climate change in Malawi, using results from the latest available climate model simulations based on 34 global climate models (CMIP-5) used by the IPCC.
How to understand and interpret global climate model results
Guide targeted at decision-makers to enable them to interpret the various plots, graphs and maps that are used to present global climate model projections.
IMPALA: Improving Model Processes For African Climate
The project aims to improve the ability of climate models to capture African climate systems, and thereby better enable decision-makers in Africa to use climate information.