Recording: Climate Equality: A planet for the 99%
The super-rich are burning our world. The world confronts twin crises; climate breakdown and runaway inequality. The richest people, corporations and...
Why understanding the behavioural dimensions of adapting to water insecurity is so important
This blog post written by Declan Conway and Kate Gannon was originally published as a commentary on the Grantham Institute's website....
Equal Power for Transformative Dialogue: Insights from CBA17
Learn about Zahid Shashoto's (a board member for the Climate Justice Resilience Fund and program development officer for Uttaran) key takeaway messages from the 17th International Conference on Community-Based Adaptation to Climate Change.
Topic 12: Social justice and equity
This page features the key lessons shared by KE4CAP climate adaption platforms on the current practices, innovations and challenges related to social justice and equity.
Mainstreaming Gender in Climate Change in India
This report describes how gender has been mainstreamed in the CCA-RAI project through a gender analysis and the implementation of a gender strategy.