evaluation tool
Evaluación de Riesgo de la Infraestructura ante el Cambio Climático: Puente sobre Rio Tempisque
A continuación, se presentan algunos aspectos de cómo surge el proyecto, cuál es el alcance, la definición del equipo de trabajo, la metodología utilizada y otros detalles de importancia.
Improving impact evaluation to foster climate resilient development in Zambia
This article describes the findings and outcomes of a joint FAO-UNDP Integrating Agriculture in National Adaptation Plans Programme that provided advanced training to improve adaptation planning.
A framework for climate services evaluation and its application to the Caribbean Agrometeorological Initiative
This paper describes an elaborated logic model to structure the evaluation of a climate services program, which is demonstrated in a case study of the Caribbean Agrometeorological Initiative (CAMI).
Promoting and assessing value creation in communities and networks: a conceptual framework
This framework provides a means of evaluating how the activities of a community or network have contributed to the improved performance of an organization, institution or even a country.
Climate Capacity Diagnosis & Development
The CaDD software system provides services to generate metrics on organisational and stakeholder capacities across any climate change relevant activity/activities, and at any scale.
The split ladder of participation: A diagnostic, strategic, and evaluation tool to assess when participation is necessary
Abstract The mainstream literature sees participation as critical to deepening democracy and solving complex environmental issues. An explosion of literature...