farmer field schools
Equipping Farmers with Climate and Weather Knowledge for More Resilient Agriculture
This story explains how, in an era of increasing meteorological and hydrological uncertainty, climate and weather information systems (CWIS) can play an important role in helping farmers.
From climate risk to climate resilience in northern Zambia
This case study considers how climate farmer field schools were established in Northern Zambia to make climate resilience an on-the-ground reality for smallholder farmers.
Climandes: user-tailored climate services for the Andean region
MeteoSwiss and SENAMHI Peru join forces in the Climandes project for climate-smart agriculture to promote food security and poverty reduction.
ALP: Adaptation Strategies Compendium
This compendium presents the range of different adaptation strategies supported by ALP in communities across the four countries where the programme is working.
Using traditional knowledge for adaptation, disaster risk reduction and natural resource management in Nicaragua
Partners for Resilience is a global consortium project which seeks to integrate climate change adaptation (CCA) practice with both disaster risk reduction (DRR) and the sustainable management of ecosystems through natural resource management (NRM) approaches.
Farmer field schools in Mozambique
Harvesting beans at the conservation agriculture demonstration plot, Vilankulos, Mozambique. © Faith Amon / CARE Eighty percent of Mozambique’s smallholders...