forest fires
LIFE MIDMACC: Mid-mountain adaptation to climate change
Explore the adaptation strategies implemented in the LIFE MIDMACC project - including the introduction of vineyards and forest management techniques, and the restoration of pastures.
Lessons Learned from webinar “Wildfires and Forest Management (II)”
On the 14th of July the MAIA Webinar: Wildfires and Forest Management Part II, we had the pleasure hearing from EU projects FIRELOGUE, SILVANUS and SAFERS! Keep reading to find out more.
Forestry Adaptation Practitioners’ Network (FAPN) Community Roundtable #1
The Forestry Adaptation Practitioners’ Network (FAPN) hosted a virtual Community Roundtable on July 24, 2023. The event brought the FAPN community together, to exchange ideas, share what they are working on, discuss challenges and learn from each other's experiences.
Wildland Fire Management Working Group Action Plan 2021–2026
A roadmap for implementing the Canadian wildland fiire Strategy using a whole-of-government approach
Fifty Years of Wildland Fire Science in Canada
Celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Canadian Journal of Forest Research, this report reflects on the progress accomplished in select areas of Canadian wildland fire science over the past half century.
The Chiquitania fires: the role of water resources in forest restoration plans
A framework for evaluating the impacts of fires in the Chiquitania Region and integrating water resources into local restoration plans and climate adaptation strategies are provided by this project.
Gobernanza participativa y gestión del riesgo ante incendios forestales en el Perú
Este blog presenta aprendizajes en la gestión de riesgo de los incendios forestales en la región de Apurímac, Perú.
Fortaleciendo la capacidad y desarrollando estrategias de adaptación a los fenómenos de Cambio Climático en comunidades de montaña de la Cordillera Real de Los Andes Centrales de Bolivia
Este informe explora las estrategias adaptación al cambio climático para las comunidades de montaña en Bolivia.
Análisis espacial y multitemporal de la dinámica de los incendios forestales entre los años 1986-2012 en la cuenca de Zapocó, Santa Cruz, Bolivia
Introducción Los incendios forestales suponen alteraciones serias e impactos negativos sobre los ecosistemas. Estos impactos van desde la pérdida de...