Building strongholds for people and nature in the high Andes: Saving and restoring wetlands is helping communities to manage scarce water resources in the face of climate change
Discover how community members in Jujuy Province, Argentina are working to improve the management of the precious water that enables them to graze llamas and other livestock in local wetlands and grasslands, and to grow crops to feed their families or sell on local markets, in this solution story.
Forest Ontario: Ecosystem Restoration Guide
This guide explores terrestrial, aquatic, soil, and wildlife restoration and discusses restoration efforts, action plans and case studies, as well as the organizations that have brought these restoration efforts to life in Ontario, Canada.
Robust ecosystem-based adaptation measures in Miraflores, in the Nor Yauyos Cochas Landscape Reserve The case corresponds to the EbA (Ecosystem-based Adaptation) experiences implemented in the community of Miraflores (other implementation sites were...
Safeguarding the living mountainous landscape of the Dolomites
This solution was originally published on the PANORAMA – Solutions for a Healthy Planet platform. You can find additional information on this solution, including the 'building blocks' behind it, in the full solution entry on PANORAMA.
Nature-based Solutions for Climate Change in the UK: A Report by the British Ecological Society
This report examines how nature-based solutions can address societal problems in the UK in ways which benefit both people and nature.
Economics of Climate Resilience: Agriculture
Executive summary How exposed is UK agriculture to climate change? Key climate risks facing the sector are changes in average...
Adaption of grassland butterflies to climate change
Image: Traditionally managed semi-natural grasslands harbour a high biodiversity, and often also red-listed plants, butterflies and other insect species. Photo:...
Climate adaptation in the mountains of Lesotho
Anecdotal evidence collected from community members in the Highlands of Lesotho indicate a keen awareness of longer term changes in the local climate and the need to adapt in response to these.