Lake Victoria
Using WEAP to create integrated water resource management tools
This case study uses the Water Evaluation and Planning (WEAP) Tool to create integrated water resource management tools for three towns in the Lake Victoria region.
Water Evaluation and Planning (WEAP) Tool
WEAP (Water Evaluation and Planning) is a software tool for integrated water resources planning. It provides a comprehensive, flexible and user-friendly framework for policy analysis.
Adaptation Strategies and Challenges Associated with Climate and Ecological Changes to the Lake Victoria Community in Tanzania (ACCCA)
This project aims to implement sustainable adaptation alternatives in the fishing communities of the Lake Victoria region in order to restore food and income generation supporting activities.
Climate Analysis – Tanzania
The graphics show observed rainfall (monthly totals) and maximum temperature (monthly mean) for selected stations between 1979 and 2000. The...
Rural women, facing the burden of climate change!
Despite the many fresh water resources in Mukono district, the water sources are highly contaminated and communities in this region...
Enhancing Local Community’s Adaptive Capacity to Respond to Flood Risk in the Kano Plains of Western Kenya
The changing climatic scenarios in the Lake Victoria basin, extreme climatic events including floods ravage the livelihoods of communities in...