livelihood approaches
Using life histories to understand temporal vulnerability to climate change in highly dynamic contexts
This article demonstrates how life histories can provide a dynamic and robust methodology to understanding household responses to risks and livelihood vulnerabilities in semi-arid India.
Anukulan: Driving small farmer investment in climate-smart technologies
The Anukulan ("resilience" in Nepali) project will help half a million poor and vulnerable people in rural Nepal build their resilience to climate shocks and extremes like floods and drought.
Study of Climate Change Adaptation in Bangladesh
The coastline of Bangladesh is particularly vulnerable to the sea level rise. The tropical cyclones, which strike the coastal areas...
Mainstreaming Livelihood Centred Approaches to Disaster Management (LCDRR)
Livelihood centred approaches in Nawalparasi, Nepal Project summary The 'Mainstreaming livelihood-centred approaches to disaster management' (LCDRR) was a five year...