Global Mangrove Watch platform updated with the latest data to 2020
The primary source of information on mangroves status and extent –used by scientific bodies, think tanks like the World Resources Institute, project developers and international and regional policymakers, including government bodies, and the UN –the Global Mangrove Watch platform (GMW), has been updated with the latest data to 2020.
The State of the World’s Mangroves 2022 – Halt Loss. Restore Half. Double Protection.
The State of the World's Mangroves 2022 highlights Global Mangrove Alliance members work and outlines important new research findings and policy developments. It also shines a spotlight on mangrove restoration, including research, tools, and stories from the field.
Building with Nature in Indonesia: Restoring an Eroding Coastline and Inspiring Action at Scale
Learn about a landscape scale implementation of the Building with Nature approach to restore the eroding mangrove coastline in Demak, Central Java, Indonesia, while simultaneously revitalising aquaculture.
Strong roots, strong women: empowering women for community and coastal ecosystem resilience in central Vietnam
‘Strong Roots, Strong Women’ uses Eco-DRR to empower women for community and coastal ecosystem resilience in central Vietnam.
Large Scale Ecosystem-based Adaptation in The Gambia
UN Environment and the government of Gambia have launched the country’s largest adaptation project, which aims to develop a sustainable natural resource-based economy.
Tanzania: Ecosystem-based Adaptation
Two projects were implemented to address adaptation needs in Dar-es-Salaam and the following coastal districts: Pangani, Rufiji, Bagamoyo, and Zanzibar.
Safeguarding A Coastal Community with Silvofishery
This blog describes how silvofishery has been used as an adaptation strategy to help strengthen an Indonesian coastal community’s resilience through safeguarding livelihoods and the environment.
Mangrove Restoration: ‘To plant or not to plant?’
The majority of mangrove planting efforts are failing. A more effective approach is natural mangrove rehabilitation. This leaflet explores the question ‘To plant or not to plant?’
Vulnerability Assessment Module for Approaches to CCA Planning Workshops
This module has been developed by SEI in response to the need for more guidance on vulnerability assessment, in particular for coastal areas, in Indonesia and the Philippines.
The Role of Mangroves in Fisheries Enhancement
Some 210 million people live in low elevation areas within 10 km of mangroves and many of these directly benefit...