Innovation in the microfinance sector to drive climate adaptation for smallholder farming in Ecuador
Learn about how the Andes Resilientes project, in collaboration with the Ministry of Environment, Water, and Ecological Transition (MAATE), is spearheading a transformative initiative within the framework of the National Climate Financing Strategy (EFIC) to tailor financial products for the unique needs of climate-vulnerable agriculture.
CDKN: Finance for Resilience Podcast
Listen to 'Finance for Resilience', a podcast series created by the Climate & Development Knowledge Network (CDKN) whichexplores how financial solutions for climate change are developed, and highlights innovative solutions from practitioners and experts.
Video: Learn About The Importance of Multi-Stakeholder Collaboration for Adaptation Solutions
Learn about multi-stakeholder collaboration for adaptation solutions with this short easy-to-understand animated video.
Assessment of innovative climate financing instruments for adaptation action in India
This article is an assessment of innovative climate financing instruments for adaptation action, giving the potential for scaling up adaptation activities in India with the involvement of private sector.
Conservation Agriculture in Karamoja, Uganda
The Conservation Agriculture project aims to increase household food security and income security through innovative agriculture and the use of VSLAs/VICOBA among the Dodoth people in Uganda.
Climate resilience and financial services: Lessons from Mali, Myanmar and Ethiopia
This BRACED working paper provides a high-level overview of the context and structure of the financial services sector in three BRACED countries; Ethiopia, Mali and Myanmar.
Banking on resilience: building capacities through financial services inclusion
This BRACED policy brief looks at experiences in Mali, Ethiopia and Myanmar in helping to build resilience to climate extremes and disasters through increased financial inclusion.
ALP: Adaptation Strategies Compendium
This compendium presents the range of different adaptation strategies supported by ALP in communities across the four countries where the programme is working.
A community assessment of climate change adaptation technologies in semi-arid Tanzania
Report of a community assessment exploring the takeup, effectiveness, gender benefit, and affordability of technologies introduced in a climate change adaptation project in Tanzania.
Private finance for adaptation in LDCs? Spelling out the options
This brief presents a comprehensive analytical framework for understanding private adaptation finance.