monitoring systems
Addressing scale in nature-based solutions
Explore the different dimensions of scale that could be better incorporated in the future design of nature-based solutions (NbS), and learn about some of the challenges associated with implementing NbS at scale, in this short SEI discussion brief.
COP27 – Cascading impacts: how can we adapt and reduce risk in the mountains and downstream?
Watch and learn about this COP27 side event which focused on the impacts and risks from upstream-downstream hazards in mountains, which have cascading and compounding detrimental effects on both local and downstream ecosystems and billions of people worldwide.
Real-time groundwater monitoring and modeling system
This project addresses challenges of over-pumping of aquifers due to agricultural irrigation in the North China Plain. Innovative approaches and tools for monitoring and modelling groundwater
Guidebook for Monitoring and Evaluating Ecosystem-based Adaptation Interventions
This guidebook provides background knowledge and a roadmap for designing and implementing effective monitoring and evaluation of ecosystem-based adaptation interventions.
Adaptation metrics: Perspectives on measuring, aggregating and comparing adaptation results
Climate adaptation initiatives are more important than ever, and globally more and more funds are invested in climate resilience. But how do we measure success? Find out in this UNEP DTU report.