salt water intrusion
International Trade Mechanisms and Climate Change Adaptation: Exploring the Links to Labour Migration in Vietnam
Learn about the connections between international trade mechanisms and climate change adaptation through a case study on Vietnam's Mekong Delta, focusing on internal domestic labour migration.
Environmental Linkages to Population Health and Wellbeing in Coastal Areas of the Bay of Bengal (EnHealth-BoB)
EnHealth-Bob is a network created among stakeholders in the Bay of Bengal to link information and data from both public health and climate change domains, to promote appropriate policy action plans.
Siargao Urban Resilient Future (Del Carmen SURF) Project
The people of Del Carmen developed a project that will establish a solid waste management system to strengthen community climate resilience.
CBA Bangladesh: Coping with Climate Risks by Empowering Women in Coastal Areas
Climate change impacts are degrading Bangladesh’s large water bodies & wetlands that its poor communities rely on to support their livelihoods.
Morocco: Sea-Level Rise and Impacts in Africa, 2000 to 2100. Application of the DIVA model to Africa.
Atlantic coast in Morocco. Image: © Impact of sea level rise in Morocco Morocco’s 3,500km coast crosses temperate, semi-arid...
The Coastal Hazard Wheel – a universal coastal adaptation language
A new coastal adaptation language to boost climate action at local, regional and national level.