social-ecological systems
Long-Term Social-Ecological Monitoring in the Andes: How are we doing?
Learn more about a recently published study on the state of the art of long-term social and environmental monitoring systems in the Andes. The study identified knowledge gaps and monitoring priorities, and provided a much-needed perspective of monitoring efforts in the region.
Adaptive governance as a catalyst for transforming the relationship between development and disaster risk through the Sendai Framework
This paper investigates the importance of adaptive governance for disaster risk reduction and explores the transformations needed to achieve equitable, resilient, and sustainable development.
Bringing rights into resilience: revealing complexities of climate risks and social conflict
This paper takes a rights-based approach to understand how cultural, political and social norms and practices influence resilience.
What is equitable resilience?
This paper reveals four themes essential in understanding equitable resilience in practice: subjectivities, inclusion, cross-scale interactions, and transformation.
Keep resilience language simple
What's in a word? This short blog underlines the importance of keeping resilience language simple if we are to communicate effectively.
The Sendai Framework: A catalyst for the transformation of disaster risk reduction through adaptive governance?
This discussion brief examines how elements of adaptive governance appear in the Sendai Framework, and how they might support transformative change in DRR.
Arctic Resilience Report 2016
This report is the culmination of a 5-year effort to better understand Arctic change, including critical tipping points, factors that support resilience and choices that strengthen adaptive capacity