sri lanka
Strengthening Sri Lanka’s ecosystem for climate and disaster risk management and finance
This report identifies entry points and opportunities to enhance risk management and finance in Sri Lanka‘s food systems. It is based on national stakeholder engagement as well as case studies in the dry zone districts of Anuradhapura and Trincomalee.
Using SDG Synergies in the Mapping Interactions between SDG Targets project in Sri Lanka
This SDG Synergies Tool case study focuses on a two-day workshop that discussed and scored interactions between SDG Targets in Sri Lanka.
The Farmer’s Perspective: Climate Risk and Risk Management in Sri Lanka’s Agriculture Sector
Learn about both the challenges faced and coping mechanisms used by farmers in Sri Lanka, in this case study on managing climate risk.
SDG Synergies Tool
SDG Synergies is a practical tool for understanding how groups of policy areas and targets interact, using systems thinking. Designed by researchers at Stockholm Environment Institute originally to support governments in implementing the Sustainable Development Goals, SDG Synergies could be invaluable within and beyond the field of sustainability.
Sri Lanka: Consolidated Livelihood Exercise for Analysing Resilience
This case study focuses on livelihood mapping in rural areas in Sri Lanka to better understand spatial patterns of livelihood and vulnerability.
Disaster response: The 72-hour Emergency Assessment approach
This document provides an overview of the aims, applications and general method behind the 72-hour assessment method, by which WFP can respond quickly and appropriately to humanitarian disasters.
USAID Climate Change Adaptation Project Preparation Facility for Asia and the Pacific
The USAID Adapt Asia-Pacific program shared information and best practices about climate fund requirements and helped governments build capacity to access climate change adaptation finance.
USAID Adapt Asia-Pacific: Project Preparation Approach Paper
This initial approach paper of the USAID Adapt Asia-Pacific project highlights the variety of projects and readiness in each target country in Asia.
Integrating urban agriculture and forestry into climate change action plans: Lessons from Sri Lanka
This CDKN case study, Integrating urban agriculture and forestry into climate change action plans – Lessons from Sri Lanka by...
Indian Ocean Early Warning System (SRI LANKA)
Impact of tsunami in Sri lanka ©John Stanmeyer Project description Implementing community based early warning in Sri Lanka in collaboration...