UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration
The Aspen Declaration: A New Momentum for Mountains
Read the newly agreed declaration of the Mountain Partnership members, and learn about how they strive to jointly promote sustainable development in mountainous areas.
Forest Ontario: Ecosystem Restoration Guide
This guide explores terrestrial, aquatic, soil, and wildlife restoration and discusses restoration efforts, action plans and case studies, as well as the organizations that have brought these restoration efforts to life in Ontario, Canada.
Restoration of degraded ecosystems in the Sudanese refugee-hosting area in eastern Chad
The initiative aims to promote the peaceful cohabitation between local and displaced communities based on joint rehabilitation of overexploited ecosystems.
Economics of land degradation: the significance of India’s new environment targets
India has just declared that it will restore 21 million hectares of degraded land. However, this can only be done by community-level engagement and providing based inputs for replication.