United Nations Development Programme
Supporting Moldova’s National Climate Change Adaptation Planning Process
The Supporting Moldova’s National Climate Change Adaptation Planning Process project aims to ensure that Moldova has a system in place for medium- to long term adaptation planning and budgeting.
PACC Case Study: Tuvalu Vital Water
The Pacific Adaptation to Climate Change (PACC) project is working in 14 Pacific Island countries to reduce vulnerability and increase resilience to the adverse effects of climate change.
PACC Project Case Study: Vanuatu Vital Roads, Epi Island Coastal Infrastructure
Pacific Adaptation to Climate Change (PACC) project is working in 14 Pacific Island countries to reduce vulnerability and increase resilience to the adverse effects of climate change.
Local Development Solutions for People, Nature and Resilient Communities
The Community-Based Adaptation project in Morocco “Land and Water protection, conservation farming and climate risk management to increase the resilience of the El Mouddaa High Altitude mountain ecosystem and reinforcement of the adaptive capacities of the local community, in the face of increasingly erratic and violent rainstorms and more and more frequent droughts” has been chosen as one of the winners of the 2012 Equator Prize (UNDP).
Capitalizing on lessons learned from local CBA initiatives for upscaling and mainstreaming CBA in national strategies and policies – The experience of Morocco
Image: www.greenfudge.org Morocco is very vulnerable to Climate Change. Infact, its major socio economical sectors and main ecosystems are extremely...
Rapport Sur L’evaluation Des Investissements Et Des Flux Financiers Pour L’adaptation Du Secteur Du Agriculture/Elevage Aux Changements Climatiques: Republique Du Niger
UNDP Investment and Financial Flow assessment for Niger, one of the UNDP pilots on the use of the new guidance...
Mainstreaming Climate Change in Integrated Water Resources Management in Pangani River Basin
Introduction The Pangani River Basin drains Mount Kilimanjaro and Mount Meru in northern Tanzania and flows to the Indian Ocean...
Assisting communities in the Tarka Valley in central Niger to adapt to climate change
UNDP, through its Community-Based Adaptation Programme (CBA), is assisting communities in Niger to respond to climate change and combat land...