Keeping the Taps Running in a Changing Climate- UN CC:eLearn course
This tutorial by UN CC:e-Learn introduces the concept of mainstreaming climate change adaptation into water resources.
Guidelines for Integrating Ecosystem-based Adaptation (EbA) into National Adaptation Plans (NAPs)
These guidelines aim to help adaptation practitioners at national and local levels to factor ecosystem functions and services into a country's National Adaptation Plan processes and instruments.
Promoting gender-responsive adaptation in the agriculture sectors: Entry points within National Adaptation Plans
Using the framework of the NAP process, this brief provides an overview of the key gender issues to consider and main entry points for gender mainstreaming in the agriculture sector.
Four Thematic Learning Briefs of the International EbA Community of Practice
This article introduces learning briefs on: entry points for EbA mainstreaming; evidence of EbA effectiveness and its communication; finance options; and, monitoring and evaluation of EbA success.
Guidance on How to Plan and Mainstream Community-Based Adaptation at the Local, Sub-National and National Levels
This guidance note illustrates how to mainstream CBA into the upper-scale levels by informing policies and programmes of community-driven adaptation priorities and innovations.
Indian Himalayas Climate Adaptation Programme
The Indian Himalayas Climate Adaptation Programme works to strengthen climate science (especially glaciology and related areas) and capacities for climate change adaptation planning.
Urban Climate Change Adaptation and Resilience – A Training Manual
This manual is part of the USAID Adapt Asia-Pacific Urban Climate Change Adaptation and Resilience (UCCAR) training course and incorporates case studies, tools, methodologies, and guidelines.
Understanding the Green Climate Fund: Implications for the Evolving Architecture of Direct Access to Climate Finance
This paper describes the Green Climate Fund and outlines key considerations to be taken into account to enhance the readiness of NCFs to directly access international climate finance.
Course: Capacity building for adaptation mainstreaming, monitoring, evaluation and learning – filling a gap
This provides a description of Garama 3C short training courses on adaptation mainstreaming and M&E was offering.
Mainstreaming climate compatible development: Insights from CDKN’s first seven years
This book brings together lessons from the first seven years’ work of CDKN – the Climate and Development Knowledge Network – and invites you to share your experience.