Urban resilience
Creating youth climate councils: A step-by-step guide for young people
Have you wanted to make a difference in your local community but did not know where to start? Learn how to establish a youth climate council in your city with this practical step-by-step guide!
Factsheet for young people: Urban development and city resilience
Learn more about city resilience and urban development in Africa with this factsheet for young people from the Global Center on Adaptation (GCA)
Adapting Coastal Cities and Territories to Sea Level Rise in North America – U.S. West Coast: Challenges and Leading Practices
Explore an overview of current practices and remaining challenges for coastal cities in defining and implementing adaptation strategies to sea level rise, proposed solutions, and leading practices developed across California, Oregon and Washington in the latest Ocean & Climate Platform report.
The Importance of Including Persons with Disabilities in Tackling Climate Change
This briefing report explores the daily difficulties people with disabilities face in extreme weather, what policies and measures can support them, and how to engage them in climate change mitigation and adaptation in their daily lives.
An essential guide to flood safety and resilience: Advice for UK homeowners
This guide, developed in partnership with the insurance sector, aims to raise flood risk awareness in the UK, and support smarter decisions on property purchases.
FRACTAL Podcast Series – Exploring transdisciplinary approaches to support resilience and adaptation decision making
The STARTcast is a podcast created by START for early- and mid-career scientists. Listen to Season 2 on co-creating climate information with decision-makers for climate-resilient cities in southern Africa as part of the Future Resilience for African Cities and Lands (FRACTAL) project.
Bottom-Up Adaptive Decision-Support for Resilient Urban Water Security: Lusaka Case Study
This research applies the Decision-Scaling (DS) method as an adaptation framework for decision support, by evaluating system vulnerabilities at both the city- and region- scale for resilient urban water security in Lusaka.
Receptivity and judgement: expanding ways of knowing the climate to strengthen the resilience of cities
This paper discusses how receptivity of decision-makers, scientists and other knowledge-holders can be exercised and increased to enhance the co-production of actionable climate information.
The Green Book: Adapting South African settlements to climate change
The Green Book is an online planning support tool that provides quantitative evidence on the likely impacts that climate change and urbanisation will have on South Africa’s cities and towns.
Responding to climate change in cities and in their informal settlements and economies
This article summarizes ways in which climate change adaptation and mitigation can be achieved in informal settlements.