Water conservation
Community governance to conserve moor water as an adaptation measure in Ecuador
Discover how climate change and gender criteria are being integrated into Water Protection Areas (APH in Spanish) in Ecuador with the help of the Resilient Andes project guide. The guide aims to strengthen community governance and increase the climate resilience of family farming.
The high Andean basins face climate change: Results from seven case studies on vulnerability
Explore an analysis of available information on the vulnerability of hydrographic basins to climate change at the Andean continental level. The study analyzes seven basins, one for each Andean country, an includes a situational diagnosis and recommendations for reducing climate vulnerability in the Andes, as well as the identification of knowledge gaps and priority work issues for adaptation in the region.
The Story of Water in Windhoek: A Narrative Approach to Interpreting a Transdisciplinary Process
The aim of the paper is to present a story about the 2015 to early 2017 Windhoek drought in the context of climate change while using the narrative approach.
Coping with Drought and Climate Change in Zimbabwe
This project aimed to enhance the capacity of local people engaged in agriculture to adapt to climate variability and change through the demonstration of a range of gender-sensitive approaches.
Kenyan youths take lead on climate-smart farming
Members of Lower Kamula Youth Group in Western Kenya are shaking up their community as they are staying put while empowering other young people in the area to embrace a bright future as farmers.
Rain water harvesting through a bund-protected pond – A new water source for drinking and irrigation in Chinnakaramedu, India
The people in the village of Chinnakaramedu have been facing water stress which is predicted to become worse, aggravated by...
Resilient Landscapes for Resilient Communities
A Beginning in Pemba from Community Forests International on Vimeo. Context Pemba is a small underdeveloped tropical island off the...
Watering our cities: The capacity for Water Sensitive Urban Design to support urban cooling and improve human thermal comfort in the Australian context
This paper may be of interest to those involved in urban climate adaptation, especially on issues relating to spatial planning,...
Livelihoods Under Climate Variability and Change: An Analysis of the Adaptive Capacity of Rural Poor to Water Scarcity in Kenya’s Drylands (ACCCA)
This project will contribute to strengthening the capacities of dryland communities in Kenya to cope with climate variability, improve food production and sustain people's livelihoods.
Water Harvesting in Sudan
In semi arid zones such as North Darfur where the rainfall is concentrated over short periods of time, balancing water...