weather forecasts
How climate information services can help pastoralists in the Horn of Africa
This policy brief explores the challenges pastoralists face when using climate information services (CIS). It outlines key considerations for scaling up effective CIS in drylands.
Revenue-Generating Opportunities Through Tailored Weather Information Products
This continental-scale market assessment investigated how thriving commercial weather markets could be catalysed in the 11 African countries supported by the CIRDA programme.
Climandes: user-tailored climate services for the Andean region
MeteoSwiss and SENAMHI Peru join forces in the Climandes project for climate-smart agriculture to promote food security and poverty reduction.
Climate Information & Early Warning Systems Communications Toolkit
Learn to issue and package early warnings and create integrated communications strategies that support the value proposition for climate information, weather forecasts and NMHS in Africa.
Building the case for canoes: communities facing multiple hazards in Myanmar use scientific evidence to create multiple solutions
A pilot project using the BRACED Handbook, this case study describes the natural disasters being experienced in the Bay of Bengal, Myanmar and the community led interventions being implemented.