Five insights from the launch of a new initiative to help the UK adapt to climate change
In February, the Maximising UK Adaptation to Climate Change (MACC) Hub launched. It is a landmark initiative to devise strategies to help the UK make changes needed to better adapt to the impacts of climate change. The launch event itself sparked discussion about key issues shaping the UK adaptation agenda, and solicited ideas about the priorities that should drive the work ahead. Here, partners in the Hub program offer five takeaways.
Community of Practice webinar: Citizen and stakeholder engagement in climate adaptation
This online event will focus on effective citizen and stakeholder engagement in climate risk assessment and adaptation planning.
The Risk-Tandem Framework: Combining risk governance and knowledge co-production toward integrated disaster risk management and climate adaptation
This paper presents the Risk-Tandem framework for bridging theory and practice; to guide and structure the integration of disaster risk management, climate adaptation and systemic risk management through a process of transdisciplinary knowledge co-production.
Leveraging LoCAL experience in support of climate change negotiations – UN CC:e-Learn course
The course aims to provide a solid understanding of the UNFCCC negotiation framework, including its governing and subsidiary bodies, negotiating groups, financial mechanisms, and a focus on climate change adaptation.
Understanding the Global Goal on Adaptation: the road from Dubai to Belém
This technical briefing offers a concise overview of the current state of GGA negotiations after COP29 in November 2024, including summarized information on how Parties, experts, and other actors are working to develop indicators and address a range of cross- cutting and emerging issues.
Climate finance is a top story to watch in 2025
This piece was originally published on the World Resources Institute website. For more than 20 years, WRI has identified annual “stories...
Trump 2.0 and the future of global climate action (Make change happen podcast)
About ‘Make Change Happen’ provides informal insights into IIED’s work to create positive change and make the complex issues we...
Gamifying climate change narratives
This event will explore how leveraging the power of games can enhance climate literacy and spark meaningful conversations around sustainability.
Webinar: Women’s collective action and resilience in agri-food systems
Join this webinar for a discussion on the role women’s collective action can play in strengthening their resilience in agri-food systems.
TCX-York: Organising for Transformation
June 25–27, 2025
Join the Transformations Community in York to explore how to organise more effectively to support transformational and systemic change.