Mediation Technical Briefing Notes

The Methodology for Effective Decision-making on Impacts and Adaptation(MEDIATION) project produced a series of technical policy briefing notes on decision support methods for appraising adaptation options. You can download these briefing notes individually below, or as one file here (~6MB).
- Technical Briefing Note – Choosing Salient Approaches and Methods for Adaptation
- Technical Briefing Note 1 Method Overview
- Technical Briefing Note 2 Cost-Effectiveness Analysis
- Technical Briefing Note 3 Robust Decision Making
- Technical Briefing Note 4 Real Options Analysis
- Technical Briefing Note 5 Portfolio Analysis
- Technical Briefing Note 6 Multi-Criteria Analysis
- Technical Briefing Note 7 Analytic Hierarchy Process
- Technical Briefing Note 8 Social Network Analysis
- Technical Briefing Note 9 Adaptation Turning Points
The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Community’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under grant agreement no. 244012.