Cost-benefit analysis
Guía para la evaluación de inversiones para empresas de prestación de servicios de acueducto (EPSA)
Este documento proporciona una metodología detallada para evaluar inversiones en empresas dedicadas a la prestación de servicios de acueducto en Colombia.
CO-designing the Assessment of Climate CHange costs (COACCH)
The COACCH project will produce improved downscaled assessment of the risks and costs of climate change in Europe that can be accessed directly by research, business and policy makers.
Plugging The Climate Adaptation Gap With High Resilience Benefit Investments
To demonstrate the value of resilience benefits to various stakeholders S&P Global Ratings considers that it is important to quantify those benefits based on a robust modeling framework.
Analyzing the Economic Costs and Benefits of Climate Change Adaptation Options
The publication presents the methodology used in the Pacific Cost-Benefit Analysis Initiative (P-CBA) training workshops, accompanied by examples from the trainings of how the methodology was used.
Capacity Building Program on Economics of Climate Change Adaptation
This article outlines and provides resources from the two-year program “Economics of Climate Change Adaptation – Supporting National/Sub-national Adaption Planning and Action”.
Realisation of flood protection measures for the city of Prague
The Prague 2002-flood substantially speeded up the development of a more resilient flood risk management system to protect the city of Prague.
The economics of managing heavy rains and stormwater in Copenhagen – the Cloudburst Management Plan
This case study was originally published on the Climate-ADAPT website – for more information please visit the case study page. Climate-ADAPT aims...
Assessment of the Likely Financial Costs Necessary for Health Protection for Climate Change
Executive Summary Improved economic assessments of the costs associated with the health impacts of climate change can help support investment...
The Economics of Climate Change in Kenya
Effects of drought in Kenya: Image: © Newstime Africa Executive Summary This study has assessed the Economics of Climate Change...
Mediation Technical Briefing Notes
A series of technical policy briefing notes on decision support methods for appraising adaptation options