Analytic Hierarchy Process
Using the Analytic Hierarchy Process to support decision making on climate change adaptation
This manual supports adaptation decision-makers in government institutions, international agencies, civil society and other development partners to identify and prioritize adaptation solutions.
Mediation Technical Briefing Notes
A series of technical policy briefing notes on decision support methods for appraising adaptation options
Summary of Methods and Case Study Examples from the MEDIATION Project
This MEDIATION review has covered a range of traditional and new decision support methods. It has analysed the strengths and weakness of these approaches and their relevance for adaptation.
Mediation training module: Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP)
This description of the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) and its potential application has been developed as part of a set of modules in the EC Mediation project
Climate Adaptation Options eXplorer (ADx): Example Application in Greater Banjul Area
Worked example of tool pilot study in Greater Banjul area in The Gambia. Greater Banjul faces several climate-related hazards including sea-level rise and high temperature stress which may exacerbate environmental problems
Analytic Hierarchy Process: an introduction with examples and resources
Analytic Hierarchy Process: an introduction. including a list of example applications and links to useful resources
Multi-criteria analysis (MCA)
MCA is a well-known method (or more accurately, family of methods) for evaluation of alternatives according to multiple decision criteria.
User Guide for the Climate Adaptation Options Explorer (ADx)
The Adaptation Options Explorer is a meta-tool and process in which adaptation options can be compared within and across different analytical methods.