Extreme Rainfall, Climate Change, and Flooding in Gorakhpur, India

About the Project
GEAG, Arup and ISET-International have been working together to explore the factors that lead to flooding and waterlogging within Gorakhpur. With support from the Rockefeller Foundation and Climate Development and Knowledge Network (CDKN), ISET-International conducted extreme rainfall event analysis of historical and projected rainfall to generate plausible storm intensity profiles for the 2050s. Arup is using these storm intensity profiles in an urban flood model of Gorakhpur to see how development and climate change might impact the city’s future flood risk. The rainfall analysis and flood model supports two projects:
1) Investigating how climate-resilient housing has a positive cost ratio and helps vulnerable populations (CDKN), and
2) Investigating the costs and benefits of using multiple interventions and activities to build overall city resilience rather than relying on individual interventions (Rockefeller Foundation).