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ProSus #1: Building Leadership for Disaster Risk Reduction in Asia

The first issue of ProSus Magazine explores ideas and solutions for disaster risk reduction in Asia, highlighting research from the Pan-Asia Risk Reduction (PARR) Fellowship program.
Inception meeting of the Pan-Asia Risk Reduction (PARR) fellowship program, July 2014


ProSus magazine is a platform for exploring ideas and solutions for a more sustainable future. It showcases the voices of researchers, thinkers and storytellers, and perspectives that build bridges between science and society, between local and global realities.

Latin for “forward”, ProSus is more than a synthesis of knowledge: it aims at informing, inspiring solutions and igniting conversations on how to address critical sustainability challenges. An editorially independent, non-profit magazine, ProSus is published twice a year by START International.

ProSus’ very first issue explores ideas and solutions for disaster risk reduction in Asia. It features highlights from research undertaken under the Pan-Asia Risk Reduction (PARR) Fellowship program.

In this issue

Research insights

  • Earthquake Damage Prediction in Different Earthquake Parameter and Liquefaction Effect for Banda Aceh City, Indonesia By Ibnu Rusydy, Tsunami and Disaster Mitigation Research Center (TDMRC) of Syiah Kuala University, Indonesia
  • An Attempt to Evaluate Economic and Non-Economic Losses & Damages due to Flooding among the Urban Poor Households in Metro Manila By Justin Charles G. See, Manila Observatory, Philippines
  • Establishing a Database Towards Developing a Typhoon Impact Estimation System (TIES) for the Philippines By Maria Flordeliza P. Del Castillo, Manila Observatory, Philippines
  • Risk Communication Strategies: Case of Riverine Communities in Philippine Cities By Alvidon F. Asis, League of Cities of the Philippines
  • Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation Integration into Development Planning: The Case of PeriUrban Bandung, Indonesia By Nurrohman Wijaya, Department of Urban and Regional Planning, Bandung Institute of Technology (URP-ITB), Indonesia
  • Urban-Water Nexus: Risk Based Assessment and Management of Water Quality Relating to Urban Flooding in the Pahang River Basin, Malaysia By Dr. Lubna Alam, LESTARI, National University of Malaysia

Stories from the frontline

  • The Intangibles that Matter: Non-Economic Loss and Damage By Justin Charles G. See
  • Ready for Action: A behind-the-scenes look at disaster preparedness in the Philippines By Alvidon F. Asis
  • Unpacked: A field researcher’s essentials By Lubna Alam

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Introduction by Cheikh Mbow, START Executive Director

We could tell the story of the Pan-Asia Risk Reduction (PARR) fellowship program through the numbers, but numbers alone do not do justice to the footprint of the program, which has greatly contributed to building a community and establishing momentum for collaboration on disaster risk reduction in the region.

Seeds of transformation can only mature when there is the right environment for innovation and participation. PARR provided a space for early-career scientists to cultivate their expertise and leadership skills, for institutions to explore solutions to regional priorities, and for local communities to engage and gain recognition through the dissemination of research outputs.

We are pleased to share, in this first edition of START’s ProSus Magazine, the findings of action-oriented research conducted by the program’s 2016- 2018 fellows. Their outstanding work, with support of their institutions and all PARR partners, is contributing to the advancement of regional knowledge to meet pressing urban disaster risk reduction challenges.

The PARR program has developed a network and a platform for learning exchanges and leadership development in Asia. START looks forward to continued engagement with fellows and partners and supporting and strengthening this network. The successes and lessons learned from PARR are a valuable resource for START and partners, as we look at replicating and scaling-up the model to benefit other regions as well.

Congratulations to all fellows; warmest compliments to the mentors and support institutions for the excellent work done.

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