ProSus #1: Building Leadership for Disaster Risk Reduction in Asia
The first issue of ProSus Magazine explores ideas and solutions for disaster risk reduction in Asia, highlighting research from the Pan-Asia Risk Reduction (PARR) Fellowship program.
INSIDE STORY: Building resilience to climate change locally: The case of Valenzuela City, Metro Manila
This case study in Valenzuela City, Metro Manila shows how disaster risk reduction, climate change adaptation and ecosystem management and restoration actually interact on the ground. Rather than treating them in their own silos, they need to be addressed in a more holistic way. The integrated PfR approach is an effective way to build climate- and ecosystem-smart, resilient communities.
CDKN INSIDE STORY: Understanding the risk of flooding in the city: The case of Barangay Potrero, Metro Manila
Malabon City is in Metro Manila, the National Capital Region of the Philippines. It is part of a sub-region called...