Cesefor is a non‐profit private foundation established since 2003. Its administrative body incluyes the Diputación Provincial de Soria, the University of Valladolid, and two private companies (Tableros Losán and Puertas Norma). Its mission is to support the development of the forestry sector and its industry in order to contribute to the sustainable development through the execution of projects and the provision of services. Cesefor offers sectorial promotion services (planning and execution of sectorial projects, for example) and different services in information technologies. Cesefor is member of Urbion model forest and is assuming the secretariat of the Mediterranean Model Forest Network Secretariat to link policy discussion in Latin America with that occurring in the Mediterranean region.
Within the Framework of the Regional Forest Plan 2000-2025 of the Regional Government of Castilla y León, Cesefor Foundation and its local partners have been working in adaptation measures for more than five years. The distinctive focus of the programme has been put on the need to deliver accurate, fine-resolution information that can be an adequate input to the policy discussions; this responds to a perception that this policy discussion has been started on very general, low-resolution information, that has impeded the discussion to reach the required depth.