Global Water Partnership – Southern Africa (GWP SA) is a regional not-for-profit action network, a multi-stakeholder platform that brings together competent organisations advocating, facilitating and supporting change processes for the sustainable management of water resources in 12 countries the SADC Region.
GWP SA is one the thirteen (13) Regional Water Partnerships of the Global Water Partnership(GWP) intergovernmental organization, representing the SADC region. Further to its capacities in the region, GWP SA has access to resources and expertise that is available to the international organisation as well as to the other GWP Regional Water Partnerships with which it collaborates.
GWPSA and the Country Water Partnerships constitute politically neutral multi-stakeholder platforms at regional and country levels that empower, convene and connect Partner organizations and other stakeholders and encourage everyone to work together more effectively to address water-related challenges and deliver water-related services. GWPSA and CWPs bring Partner organizations together to match existing needs with available resources and add value to the work of their Partners and other stakeholders by:
- strengthening individual voices in collective better water resources management advocacy through an IWRM approach;
- facilitating access to IWRM-related information and professional opportunities;
- assisting with IWRM-related training and institutional capacity building; and
- providing facilitative and technical inputs into the development (and implementation) of IWRM frameworks at regional, river basin, and national levels.