The overarching goals of ICRC are to understand the causes and consequences of climate change, improve predictive models to project future climate conditions, and inform on-going state, national and international policy discussions on climate change, including mitigation and adaptation strategies.
The Center
Interdisciplinary Climate Research Center, Cotton College utilizes faculty expertise and research from across the Cotton College campus, and integrates and leverages key collaborations to forward climate change research. The need for integrated research into expected climate change in North East India is key to realizing a sustainable future for the economy and for tackling the socioeconomic issues associated with climate change.
The center is expected to provide a strong scientific basis for mitigation strategies and adaptation to climate change in North East India, which need to be implemented shortly. The center is a crucible for interdisciplinary research on climate change and its ecological, social, economic, and political impacts. The center is built on a foundation of scientific excellence and interdisciplinary perspective.
The ICRC goal is to increase scientific and public understanding of the causes and impacts of climate change through fundamental research and effective education and outreach. The centre also supports and educates regional communities and industry about climate change adaptation and mitigation; helping them to seek solutions and opportunities in a changing climate. The centre also trains the next generation of environmental scientists in areas which are relevant to tomorrow’s society.