Live and Learn

Live & Learn works with communities throughout Asia and the Pacific to design, implement and learn from community-based development projects. The projects are specific to each community and cover a number of thematic program areas. These include:
- Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH)
- sustainable use of biodiversity
- environmental governance
- natural resource-based conflict management and peace building
- understanding climate change
- sustainable energy options
- community-based waste reduction and management
- human rights
- community disaster prevention and preparedness.
Live & Learn funds its programs with support from the public, governments, the corporate sector and international development agencies.
Live & Learn aims to:
- encourage individual and community attitudes, values and actions that are ethical and sustainable
- encourage networks and partnerships between schools, children, youth, teachers, governments, chiefs, elders, parents, the media and non-governmental organisations (NGOs)
- share knowledge, skills, learning experiences and resources with others for the benefit of the physical and human environment
- promote the integration of the concepts of human rights, environmentalism, humanitarianism, culture, gender equality and peace in all projects and programs
- promote action-based, effective and creative learning models and teaching methodologies.