Reconcilia A.C.

Reconcilia aims to be a leading company in the construction and application of knowledge regarding sustainable development, conservation of natural resources, ecological restoration, integrated water management and soil, design and application of technologies for sustainable use and water sanitation, biological monitoring of species exotic and protected, success indicators, ecosystem services, climate change and ecosystem-based adaptation in Mexico and Latin America.
All this from a multidisciplinary, economic, social and environmental framework, through concrete actions and capacity building, seeking to reconcile the relationship between human action and nature constructively both to achieve better quality of life and development for humans, as better use, recovery and conservation of natural resources.
We foster a paradigm shift in the eco-social relationship, joining in current efforts and seeking reconciliation between the different stakeholders and appropriation of technologies. We do this by developing and strengthening interdisciplinary projects reprising the best scientific knowledge, integrating the appropriation of alternative technologies within a local and specific context, and aiding the transition to building resilience and building self-reliance. We promote the recovery of natural spaces and encourage appreciation and sustainable use of them through employing ancestral knowledge and the latest technologies to achieve better adaptation to climate change and to meet the goals of sustainable development.
Our services
- Evaluation and monitoring of initiatives are currently being implemented and which have to do with natural resources and sanitation.
- Protection and recovery of degraded (Programs restoration of vegetation and soils) ecosystems.
- technical advice in relation to the integrated management of natural resources (water, soil, flora and fauna).
- Management programs and creation of NPAs.
- Planning programs.
- Mapping and Geographic Information Systems.
- Sustainability indicators and sustainable development.
- Ecosystem-based adaptation.
- Management programs and establishment of UMA.
- floristic and faunal lists.
- Conservation and ecology studies of flora and fauna.
- Conservation programs for native species.
- Management programs for exotic species
- Sanitation and rainwater catchment.
- Studies of the effect of climate change on water resources and risks.
- Studies biondicadores of water quality
- Ecotecnias and permaculture
- basic GIS
- green walls
- urban gardens
- Rainwater Catchment
- Monitoring species
- Effects of Climate Change
- Workshops and education for children in socio-environmental issues.