CDE Network
The SDC Network Climate, DRR and Environment (CDE) is hosted by the Global Programme Climate Change and Environment (GPCCE) of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC). It provides a knowledge exchange platform for development practitioners, organizations and SDC staff and partners working in and around climate change and environment issues. About 300 professionals with different backgrounds including NGOs, multilateral organizations, research and science institutions have already joined the network.
Visit the SDC Network Climate, DRR and Environment page on weADAPT
The network’s main objective is to promote the integration of environment and climate change mitigation and adaptation into policies, strategies, programmes and projects of development cooperation. The network also capitalizes on achievements and operational experiences, thus promoting knowledge sharing and learning among climate, DRR and environment professionals. It thrives at contributing to climate, DRR and environment smart development cooperation at large.
For more information on the SDC Network Climate, DRR and Environment click here.