How we work
Sida’s Swedish development cooperation is part of a global cooperation in which Sweden is one of many international participants. In order to carry out its work Sida cooperates with Swedish government agencies, organisations and associations and international bodies like the UN, the EU and the World Bank.
With the overall target for development co-operation as its starting point, the focus of Sida’s policy is to take a long-term approach with the following five mutually dependent and broad strategic policy areas:
* Democracy, Human Rights and Gender Equality
* Economic Opportunities
* Knowledge, Health and Social Development
* Environmentally Sustainable Development
* Peace and Security
Environmentally sustainable development has been a priority for Swedish development cooperation since the end of the 1980s. The main approach has been to promote integration of environmental concerns in all sectors, and strengthen capacity of recipient countries through development of competence and institutions. When it comes to sectors, Sida has at country level given priority to sustainable natural resources management (forests, agriculture, marine/coastal development), water, sustainable urban development, and energy, rather than targeted environmental projects, but this has varied between country categories, as well as over time.
The level of Sida support to environment and more lately climate change related activities has been stable over the last 10 years, and has amounted to 10-12% of total Sida-funding, with about 4% allocated to specific environment/climate change collaborations . Sida has been in the forefront in promoting development of tools and methods for environmental integration in development cooperation, and has to this effect actively collaborated with and provided support to a number of Government institutions in partner countries, UN organisations, the WB, OECD-DAC Environet, civil society organisations and other global, national and local actors.