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Food Security and Adaptation to Climate Change in the Afram Plains of Ghana

ACCCA Ghana poster

The broad purpose of this project is to design and implement successful and sustainable climate change adaptation strategies that address food security, livelihood sustainability and poverty reduction in rural areas of Ghana. Its main goals are to understand how people perceive climate change and other livelihood stressors; engage stakeholders at various levels, from local communities to national decision-makers; and develop local stakeholder resource management and livelihood portfolios to enhance food security. Through these areas of focus, the project will contribute to a reduction of vulnerabilities to climatic and other locally-relevant stressors, and help to alleviate poverty.

Food security is critical for adaptive capacity since poorly nourished actors are usually unable to carry out otherwise effective adaptation strategies. Increased food and livelihood security through resilient resource management and diversification of income-generating activities can, however, enhance adaptive capacity to climate-related stressors.

Through the use of participatory assessment and planning methods, the project embraces a bottom-up approach that takes into account local realities and priorities to better inform national development policies. Gendered needs and vulnerabilities are also taken into consideration. In addition, the focus on social learning will better prepare all stakeholders involved to integrate climate change adaptation initiatives into viable responses to other stresses, such as human health, unemployment and environmental degradation.

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