Building capacity to adapt to climate variability, extreme climatic events and climate change in urban and peri-urban Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso
The ACCCA project in Ougadougou is looking at adaptation in urban and peri-urban areas. Climate change has the potential to destroy the socio-economic progress that the city has experienced to date. To reduce the city’s vulnerability, this project seeks to create conditions for the sustainable, equitable development of Ouagadougou by devising and implementing salient, consensus-based strategies for adapting to climate variability, extreme climatic events and climate change.
The project will assess the current and future vulnerability of the city, particularly in the health and water sections; identify and rank a range of priority adaptation options; and develop tools and strategies for raising public and policy-makers’ awareness with respect to climate adaptation. With this knowledge and these new communication tools, it is hoped that the community’s adaptive capacity will be increased and that consideration of climate change will be mainstreamed in future town planning and development plan formulation. The project is led by the Institut d’applications et de Vulgarisation en Sciences, with ENDA Tiers-Monde providing technical assistance.