Mainstreaming Climate and Disaster Risk Management into Economic Development in Madagascar

This project provides assistance to the Government of Madagascar and key stakeholders to mainstream hazard risk management into key economic and social sectors, with special focus on prevention and adaptation. Activities include:
a. Strengthening overall risk assessment at the regional and district levels, by carrying out hazard analysis of cyclones, droughts, and inundation and wind; and strengthening the analysis on losses, damages, vulnerability and risks and compiling a national risk atlas.
b. Risk mitigation by reviewing existing national construction codes and updating them with cyclone-proof standards for major sectors and areas at risk.
c. Introducing principles of disaster risk financing management in the national budget.
d. Strengthen Madagascar’s emergency preparedness, through development of a rapid information system and updated National Plan for Disaster and Risk Management.
Non-UN Partners include African Development Bank (AfDB), CARE, Centre de coopération internationale en recherche agronomique pour le développement (CIRAD), Conservation International (CI), European Union (EU), German International Cooperation Agency (GTZ), Government of Madagascar, Indian Ocean Commission.