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Strategy workshop on climate knowledge management in Chitwan, Nepal

In April 2013 Nepal Climate Change Knowledge Management Center organized a one-day Strategy Workshop on Climate Change Knowledge Management in Bharatpur, the headquarter of Chitwan district, Nepal.
Strategy workshop


On April 9, 2013 Nepal Climate Change Knowledge Management Center (NCCKMC) organized a one-day Strategy Workshop on Climate Change Knowledge Management in Bharatpur, the headquarter of Chitwan district, Nepal.

“Climate change vulnerability mapping for Nepal”-, a report published by the government of Nepal has listed Chitwan as highly vulnerable to climate change impacts. The district is also a growing hub for academic institutions as shown by a newly established university in agriculture and forestry. Since 1960s, people from different parts of the country have come to settle here for its fertile land and easy access to the capital and other cities.

Aims and Objectives

  1. Map out scientific as well as experience-based information and knowledge on climate change and its impacts;
  2. Design priority research areas in support of generating climate change knowledge;
  3. Share knowledge on climate change and its impacts that would help to develop adaptation plan, and;
  4. Discuss climate change knowledge sharing through educational activities.


More than 100 participants representing governmental offices, I/NGOs, universities and colleges attended the workshop. The workshop kicked off with the opening address by Professor Dr Surendra Raj Kafle, Vice Chancellor of Nepal Academy of Science and Technology. In his remarks, he stated that NAST would extend its climate change research activities coordinating with local research institutions. Dr Bimala Devkota, team leader, NCCKMC highlighted the program activities. Professor Dr Maheswor Sapkota of Institute of Agriculture and Animal Science and Professor Dr Ishwori Prasad Dhakal, Dean of Agriculture and Forestry University, urged NAST to take a lead role to coordinate and support the research activities that would help to enhance the scientific researches on climate change. Professor Dr Prakash Chandra Adhikari, secretary of NAST opined that a climate change strategy for Nepal can be formulated incorporating five the five E-s (emission, energy, environment, economics and engineering). Mr Bandhu Prasad Bastola, the local development officer of the district had chaired the opening session of the program. Assistance Chief District Officer, Mr Shiva Ram Gelal and Professor. Chiranjibi Sherestha, Campus Chief of Balkumari Multiple Campus also attended the session and expressed their opinions for building scientific awareness on climate change.

The technical session included three presentations on climate change and its impacts on the agriculture sector, biodiversity and forests ,and sharing climate change knowledge through educational activities. The presenters included Dr Khem Raj Dahal from the Institute of Agriculture and Animal Science, Dr Bala Ram Bhatta from Forestry Campus and Dr Dinesh Raj Bhuju from NAST. The session was chaired by Professor Dr Gopal Bhadaur KC, Academician of NAST. The session also included group exercises on gathering experience-based knowledge and recognizing contents for mainstreaming climate change into the curriculum of schools, colleges and non formal education syllabus. The group exercise also identified research priority areas in climate change science so that knowledge on climate change could be generated relevantly. The presenters of the technical session facilitated the group exercise. The workshop ended with a concluding remark by Professor Dr Surendra Raj Kafle recognizing the importance of knowledge generation and management through collaboration among various academies. News regarding the workshop was carried out by Aviyan Television and local newspapers. The program was a part of CDKN supported Strengthening NCCKMC Project.

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