Adaptation decision tools and methods
Un enfoque integral para agua, saneamiento y cuencas hidrográficas en Guatemala
Este documento ofrece estrategias y herramientas respaldadas por investigadores de SEI para mejorar el acceso generalizado a servicios básicos de agua potable, saneamiento e higiene en Guatemala de manera duradera y sostenible
Adaptation rationales and benefits: A foundation for understanding adaptation impact
Explore a newly proposed typology of adaptation benefits that aims to facilitate the construction of meaningful, transparent adaptation rationales; that is, the logic of an adaptation action. Discover how these can be applied in practice, using hypothetical and real-world examples of projects.
Interrogating ‘Effectiveness’ in Climate Change Adaptation: 11 Guiding Principles for Adaptation Research and Practice
What does adaptation look like and how can it be enabled? Learn more in this review which distills its findings into eleven guiding principles of effective adaptation.
Mediation Training Modules
Here are some training modules on several of the methods that are part of the Mediation Adaptation Pathfinder and the European 7th Framework Programme project Mediation.