sustainable water resources management
Un enfoque integral para agua, saneamiento y cuencas hidrográficas en Guatemala
Este documento ofrece estrategias y herramientas respaldadas por investigadores de SEI para mejorar el acceso generalizado a servicios básicos de agua potable, saneamiento e higiene en Guatemala de manera duradera y sostenible
Podcast: Computer models as a tool for sustainable water planning
Listen to this short podcast episode on the importance of technology and planning in current and future water management, and learn more about SEI's WEAP tool and how it can be used in this context.
Learning Journey: Climate Resilient Agriculture and Food Systems
This article summarises a learning journey that engaged participants from diverse topical backgrounds in a series of discussions and (recorded) webinars on climate resilient agriculture.
Ensuring Future Water Security through Direct Potable Reuse in Windhoek, Namibia
Adaptation Inspiration Theme: Ensuring Future Water Security through Direct Potable Reuse in Windhoek, Namibia