adaptation to floods
Event Summary | Water and climate change: Adaptation at the margins
On 11 April 2024, leading researchers and practitioners at the forefront of climate adaptation reflected on the social and political barriers to producing, sharing and using climate information.
Coastal climate impact analysis and sanitation hazard assesment framework
This handbook provides stepwise guidance for facilitating authorities responsible for citywide sanitation services to develop an adaptive action plan for ensuring the resilience of their city’s sanitation services to the impacts of sea level rise.
Enhancing Community Flood Resilience in Lusaka’s Unplanned Settlements: A Case Study of Multi-Stakeholder Perspectives
Learn how different stakeholders in Lusaka define flood resilience, in terms of a desirable state to be achieved, and how community flood resilience in unplanned settlements could be enhanced according to different stakeholders.
An essential guide to flood safety and resilience: Advice for UK homeowners
This guide, developed in partnership with the insurance sector, aims to raise flood risk awareness in the UK, and support smarter decisions on property purchases.
Community-Based Flood and Glacial Lake Outburst Risk Reduction in Nepal
This solution has been uploaded by Julia Aguilera on behalf of the Government of Nepal and the United Nations Development Program (UNDP)
How to make a Floating Vegetable Garden – Step by Step
The video, set in Bangladesh, shows how to make a floating vegetable garden, step by step.
Climate and Disaster Resilience Community Forum in Sutojayan Village
The new community forum has allowed occupants to understand disaster-prone maps in their area, formulate and implement climate adaptation and mitigation actions at the local level.
Building capacity for risk management in a changing climate
This Raising Risk Awareness (RRA) project analyses the role of climate change in affecting the hydrological regimes of Kenya, Ethiopia, India and Bangladesh.
The impacts of flooding on well-being and the role of ecosystem-based adaptation
We show that floods can have a substantial impact on the well-being of flood affected individuals and especially on women.
Online resources for UK businesses preparing for and responding to flood events
This resource is designed to support business, and those working with business, to identify research to support their projects and decision-making in preparing for and responding to flood events.