Using citizen science to identify the water and sanitation needs of homeless populations in Mexico City
This case study demonstrates how citizen science can be used to identify the water and sanitation needs of homeless populations in Mexico City.
Coastal climate impact analysis and sanitation hazard assesment framework
This handbook provides stepwise guidance for facilitating authorities responsible for citywide sanitation services to develop an adaptive action plan for ensuring the resilience of their city’s sanitation services to the impacts of sea level rise.
Estimating the resource recovery potential of waste streams in Kampala, Uganda
Discover how to apply a simple material flow analysis approach to track the transformation of waste streams into resource recovery products, such as biogas and solid fuel through this case study in Kampala, Uganda. The results of this approach can be used to encourage more sustainable urban sanitation and waste management systems.
Using WASH Flows in the in the development of the Tupiza watershed plan, Bolivia
Learn about how WASH Flows was used in Tupiza watershed, Bolivia; an area with limited access to water and sanitation services. Explore how the outputs allowed an evaluation the impact of potential WASH solutions.
WASH Flows Tool
Explore this analytical tool aiming to combine both watershed management and water, sanitation and hygiene goals into a single planning process, encompassing all water supply sources.
Using EWI to inform the implementation of a WASH master plan in the municipality of Banfora, Burkina Faso
Explore how the EWI tool was applied in collaboration with IRC and local WASH authorities, who are developing and implementing a 2018–2030 strategic master plan for water and sanitation services in Banfora, Burkina Faso.
Using the Empowerment in WASH Index to strengthen gender dimensions in Asutifi North District, Ghana
Learn about how the Empowerment in WASH Index tool was piloted in Asutifi North District in Ghana, and about the resulting recommendations, at district, community, and national levels, for strengthening the empowerment of women in WASH.
Empowerment in WASH Index Tool
Learn about EWI: a pragmatic survey-based tool made to measure, monitor and carry out diagnostics of water, sanitation, and hygiene-related interventions, allowing for inclusive and equitable outcomes.
Resource Value Mapping (REVAMP) Tool
This tool uses data on waste streams to estimate total resources and reuse potential in a city's wastewater, enabling city planners and policymakers to better make decisions on urban waste management.
FRACTAL Learning – Adaptation Inspiration Cases in Africa Summary
This is a summary article signposting the FRACTAL Learning modules 1-6 on inspirational adaptation cases in Africa.