adaptive cities
Evaluating Adaptation: An Analysis of Policy Progress in Coastal Cities and Regions
Explore the findings of the CLIC project “Are cities properly preparing for climate change?” and learn more about the European Research Council (ERC) funded project ‘IMAGINE adaptation’ in this policy brief. It highlights the urgent need to evaluate adaptation in urban areas and understand progress across governance levels.
Understanding and Supporting Climate-sensitive Decision Processes in Southern African Cities Review
Find out about recent research on how climate information is brought to bear on decision-making in southern African cities. Development of sustainable cities needs to be based on robust climate information while also involving local communities.
Integrating Climate Adaptation: A Toolkit for Urban Planners and Adaptation Practitioners
Explore a toolkit for urban planners and adaptation specialists, providing guidance on integrating climate adaptation into urban planning.
Pathways to transformative climate adaptation in southern African cities
A review of academic and grey literature addressing transformative adaptation, with a focus on cities, including two case studies, Durban in South Africa and Harare in Zimbabwe.
City to city learning and knowledge exchange for climate resilience in southern Africa
This paper provides a comparitive analysis of four southern African cities using city exchanges under the Future Resilience for African Cities and Lands (FRACTAL) program.
Cities adapting to climate change: InnovCities survey findings on institutional innovation in urban governance
InnovCities surveyed 96 cities to assess the extent to which institutional innovation has been seen on the ground to adapt to urban water risks under climate change.