Andes Regional Dialogue 1: Governance and participation
The first of the Andes Regional Dialogues focuses on governance and participation - learn more and watch the recording!
Evaluating Adaptation: An Analysis of Policy Progress in Coastal Cities and Regions
Explore the findings of the CLIC project “Are cities properly preparing for climate change?” and learn more about the European Research Council (ERC) funded project ‘IMAGINE adaptation’ in this policy brief. It highlights the urgent need to evaluate adaptation in urban areas and understand progress across governance levels.
Reflections on the IPCC AR6 Synthesis Report: adaptation, loss and damage
Join three SEI researchers, whohaveassumedvariousroles in past IPCC reports,as theyreflect on the IPCCAR6SynthesisReport’scriticalmessages onadaptation and loss and damage.
A decolonial perspective and methodology: Re-centring people’s lived experiences and local realities in climate change adaptation research
Learn about the some of the novel and emerging ideas about decolonial thinking in relation to current practices of climate change adaptation research.
Climate justice for people and nature through urban Ecosystem-based Adaptation (EbA): a focus on the Global South
Examples of urban EbA interventions, predominantly in the Global South, are explored in this paper and linked with seven proposed EbA social principles related to climate justice.
Session 5: Act to Adapt
A giant board game that gets youth to prioritise resources in their community which are vulnerable to extreme weather. Youth negotiate to take individual or collective actions to adapt resources.
Session 4: See the System
A card game to see how people, places and things (resources) fit into systems, followed by an activity to systematically brainstorm and prioritise community resources.
Session 3: Map the Hazard
Critical thinking challenge to map out extreme weather and its impacts on different societal groups. Voting determines the most frequent and impactful hazards in the local community.
Session 2: Climate Change Challenge
A playful session that demonstrates weather compared to climate, leading into an energetic game that teaches about the greenhouse effect, global warming and climate change.
Using communicators to reach farmers with climate information services
A collaborative project trains communicators to disseminate climate information services and advisories to smallholder farmers.