coastal flooding
Harnessing Nature to Build Climate Resilience: Scaling Up the Use of Ecosystem-based Adaptation
Discover the role of ecosystem-based adaptation (EbA) in helping societies globally adapt to climate change; the current trends in EbA's implementation; and how EbA can be successfully applied in both policy and practice.
Integrating Climate Adaptation: A Toolkit for Urban Planners and Adaptation Practitioners
Explore a toolkit for urban planners and adaptation specialists, providing guidance on integrating climate adaptation into urban planning.
Environmental Linkages to Population Health and Wellbeing in Coastal Areas of the Bay of Bengal (EnHealth-BoB)
EnHealth-Bob is a network created among stakeholders in the Bay of Bengal to link information and data from both public health and climate change domains, to promote appropriate policy action plans.
Strong roots, strong women: empowering women for community and coastal ecosystem resilience in central Vietnam
‘Strong Roots, Strong Women’ uses Eco-DRR to empower women for community and coastal ecosystem resilience in central Vietnam.
Improving the resilience of UK coastal communities
This article sheds light on the usage of resilience as a quantitative, evidence based framework for management of climatic hazards in coastal areas of the United Kingdom.
A Review of Estimating Population Exposure to Sea-level Rise and the Relevance for Migration
This review analyses global or near-global estimates of population exposure to sea-level rise and related hazards and examines subsequent estimates of population migration due to this exposure.
The Economic Cost of Climate Change in Europe: Synthesis Report on COACCH Interim Results
This document synthesises the latest results from the COACCH project on the economic costs of climate change in Europe by sector and socio-economic tipping points.
Building Resilience in the Most Vulnerable Coastal Zones in Djibouti
This project piloted approaches for rehabilitating degraded watersheds and wadi shores to reduce seawater intrusion and floods in Djibouti.
Tanzania: Ecosystem-based Adaptation
Two projects were implemented to address adaptation needs in Dar-es-Salaam and the following coastal districts: Pangani, Rufiji, Bagamoyo, and Zanzibar.
The Green Book: Adapting South African settlements to climate change
The Green Book is an online planning support tool that provides quantitative evidence on the likely impacts that climate change and urbanisation will have on South Africa’s cities and towns.