Community Based Disaster Risk Management
Building Resilience to Floods and Rain-Induced Landslides in Barangay Napaan
Barangay Napaan is highly vulnerable to flooding, flash floods, and landslides. Community members decided to address these risks and strengthen their resilience.
Climate Resilient Community-Managed Flood Mitigation Project in La Trinidad, Benguet
Community members in the famous strawberry fields of La Trinidad, Benguet, Philippines have decided to take action in addressing the worsening flooding in the community.
Climate and Disaster Resilience Community Forum in Sutojayan Village
The new community forum has allowed occupants to understand disaster-prone maps in their area, formulate and implement climate adaptation and mitigation actions at the local level.
Community-based Action against Flood Risks in Dakar
This case study described how community-based action has been used to address incerasing flood risk in Dakar.
Helping Communities Cope with Climate Change in the Bay of Bengal
Paribartan works with communities to create plans to address climate impacts, improve ability to cope with these impacts, test innovative practices and share lessons for advocacy and replication.
Gender and Resilience
Individual, household and community resilience to climate extremes and disasters depend on the local context and the extent to which agencies address existing social dynamics and power relations.
Strengthening Actions for Fostering Resilience through Early Warning and Risk Sensitive Planning in Nepal (SAFER)
Project description SAFER Nepal is one of the projects under the DEPECHO VII funded by the European Commission's Humanitarian Aid...