ecosystem-based disaster risk reduction
Strong roots, strong women: empowering women for community and coastal ecosystem resilience in central Vietnam
‘Strong Roots, Strong Women’ uses Eco-DRR to empower women for community and coastal ecosystem resilience in central Vietnam.
Building Resilience to Floods and Rain-Induced Landslides in Barangay Napaan
Barangay Napaan is highly vulnerable to flooding, flash floods, and landslides. Community members decided to address these risks and strengthen their resilience.
Specialist Session: Experience the Environment
An ecosystem simulation game and a scavenger hunt to explain ecosystem services ending with a game to emphasise the role a well-managed environment plays in climate change adaptation.
Exploring the potential of ecosystem-based approaches
A policy brief to highlight the complex nature of environmental challenges and make recommendations for integrating ecosystem-based approaches within CCA and DRR science, policy and practice.